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The Beauty Of The Sanctity of Nature

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

The Beauty Of The Sanctity of Nature

Nature is beautiful, nothing I want to see the most than the sublime site of the sea. I can sit for hours just watching the sea, the flow of the waves, the colour and the vastness of it, it puts me in awe.
I sit and watch till it seams I am dissolved into it’s sanctity, it’s beauty. I watch till it seams by the hands of the winds, I am taken and privileged to see through the eyes of our Heavenly Father and that I am able to also say, “ It’s good”

Nature is beautiful because it is what it is and has not changed what it is and what it is is what it is and as it stays what it is it’s beautiful as it is. It’s the sanctity of nature that makes it beautiful, the peculiarity, the sacredness of what it is brings out the beauty of what it is and like the sea man like his creator can look and say, it is good.

But when man temper with what nature is, moving it from what it is, to what he wants it to be, it looses it beauty ( sanctity) it looses it’s individuality, it looses its peculiarity, that touch of life, it looses its life.

Nature is beautiful in its sanctity and so man, leave it alone.





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