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Time Tested and Tried

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

Time Tested and Tried

Time-tested and tried, until their souls are set like flint towards Calvary. Yes, they are time-tested. They are witnesses of His Power. And through that, God is building a bridge from earth to Glory, that the wayfaring man may come on the highway, sit down under the tree, in the cool of the day, by time-tested material, those who take God at His Word.

No matter what the symptoms are, the circumstances, that doesn’t stand in the way. God has got time-tested material as a witness, and He places it.

Acts 22:15 For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard. Oh, my soul would cry “hallelujah” to God, when I think that God puts in His Church the best that He can find. God takes His children and tests them with an acid test, then He places them into the Body of Christ because they are tested. They believe. They’ve went through the trials. They’ve had the experience. They are witnesses of His.












No matter what the symptoms are, the circumstances, that doesn’t stand in the way. God has got time-tested material as a witness, and He places it. And this great bridge builder, when finally…The architects stood along on the side and said to the builder, many of the critics, “It’ll never stand.” So have they said, “The Church will never rise.” So have they said, “The days of miracles is passed.” So have they said, that, “Old-time religion cannot be enjoyed anymore.” But, oh, when this man placed all those materials together, he dug. He got blowers, and he blowed out those quick sand beds. He went on down, down, down, for hundreds of feet beneath the water, until he blowed that shifting sands away, until he put this concrete anchored in the rock on the bottom of the sea. Oh, it was a price, yes. And anything that’s worth having, has a price attached to it. How great this salvation! What a great price! But, he finally got down under the shifting sands. And God has taken Christians and tried them, and tried them, had to brush them off, and brush them off, and brush them off, till finally, one of these days, He comes down to the solid Rock.

Some man just takes this little wish-washy experience of shaking hands and joining the church, and being sprinkled a few times, or baptized or something, and He washes all the shifting sands back until he’s anchored on the Rock, Christ Jesus. All devils in torment can’t move him.


William Branham

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