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When the carnal and the spiritual meets

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

When the carnal and the spiritual meets

When the carnal and the spiritual meets, there is always a clash. When Judas and Jesus met, there was a clash; One, the Son of God; the other one, the son of Satan. Just like Cain and Abel, there was a clash when they met. One of them was the treasurer of the church, and the other One a pastor.

1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. And as now, we come in this day, to the same thing again.

When the carnal and the spiritual meets

The carnal denomination to the spiritual Bride of Christ. The spiritual Bride of Christ is so much different from the carnal organizations, till there’s no comparison in them at all. Now notice, the natural always tries to type the spiritual. But, as in Jacob and Esau, it will not work. It would not.

Now, when it come to doing good works, I—I believe that Esau actually was a better man than Jacob, in the sight of man. He tried to take care of his daddy; he was blind, a prophet. And all these things that he tried to do, but yet Esau didn’t think about that being just carnal work. He thought he could get in by what he done, do something good for somebody, which was all right. But Jacob, his whole soul was to get that birthright, and that’s what God recognized in him spiritual. Notice, and it’s always caused the natural to hate the spiritual. It caused Cain to hate Abel. It caused Korah to hate Moses.

It caused Judas to hate Jesus. And on and on it goes. It causes the natural to hate the spiritual, just as Cain at the beginning hated Abel, the one that God received the sacrifice from, and tries to destroy them. Even they try to destroy the influence. They try to destroy everything, because it’s nothing but jealousy. It started in Cain and proved that it was jealousy, and it’s still the same thing today when the natural (the carnal) and the spiritual meet together. It proves it’s Satan, no other way, because jealousy comes from Satan.

And then causes an impersonation of the Truth, somebody to try to impersonate something that isn’t, they are not ordained to do. How much of that have we seen in this last days! Oh, my, how much of it!


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