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The Digital Market Place Preacher

by Edwin Asiedu 28 Jul 2023 0 comments

The Digital Market Place Preacher


The world is changing, whether we like it or not it will. I remember when you go to the market place, every cornor you turn, you will see a preacher.

The market place is one of the best places to preach the word of God, because many come from all cornors to buy and sell. All homes of circumstances, broken lives, the possessed and distressed.

That was then, but how things have changed so much of late. Preachers are intimidated on every cornor for breaking the law of public order, the standard have changed. All use to welcome preachers in the market places, it wasn't a bother. Everybody go about their businessess, while like a resounding voice a wisper and a solomn sound, the lost and the lone are spoken.

Although, few where attacked, but it was only in minor circumstances, the law always stood by preachers on the market places. Now the law that has to protect preachers, the law are against them. They have forgotton that laws where built on Christian values, they where built upon the Word of God, the Bible. The creature is now against the creator. Perhaps, the time has come for preachers to change their approach also, as it is said in the Word of God, When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him and put him to flight.. Isaiah 59:19.

What is the Standard? What is the standard that the Lord have lifted against the enemy's flood. This tsunami of restrictions.. These standard is not one and can never be one, but for the sake of this article and to the best of my understanding, although difficult it may be, the standard for market place preaching is digital market place preaching.

By: Edwin Asiedu

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